Lynn Yue


Masters student in Computer Science at the University of Chicago

Work Experience

imageResearch Assistant, Washington University in St. Louis

St. Louis, MO, May 2015 - May 2017
Technologies: MATLAB, Statistical Modeling, Experimental Design
• Extracted activities of neural pathways from recorded data using Principle Components Analysis (PCA)
• Construct quantitative models to simulate interactions between neural pathways and fit experimental data
• Solved mathematical models numerically by using MATLAB to interpret complex mechanisms of neural signal transmission



Web Application Development - Yoga Blogimage

University of Chicago - Chicago, IL, Jan 2018 - Mar 2018
Technologies: MySQL, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
• Developed a full-stack web service to improve yoga learning experience based on personalized information
• Create Ruby on Rails application with RESTful APIs to handle HTTP requests and responses
• Designed and developed a relational database to store data
• Designed an interactive web page utilizing Ruby on Rails framework and AJAX
technology (HTML,CSS and JavaScript)


Machine Learningimage

Washington University in St. Louis - St. Louis, MO, Jan 2017 - May 2017
Technologies: Python, MATLAB
• Built a spam email filter using linear logistic regression model, trained it with 2000 real-world emails and got 99.8% prediction accuracy
• Built a naïve Bayes Classifier and trained it with 1500 names to identify the gender of a given name
• Implemented a multi-layer perceptron neural network and predicted the housing price in Boston based on community statistics with 99% accuracy


Object Oriented Programming Course Projectimage

University of Chicago - Chicago, IL, Jan 2018 - Mar 2018
Technologies: Java, mySQL, Object-Oriented Design
• Developed a student registration system using object oriented design patterns
• Analysed the system using object oriented programming modeling tools such as use case model, bounded contexts map, agile usr story
• Designed and developed a relational database to store data
• Tested the system using JUnit test
• Integrated mySQL into the system using JDBC program to query data from the database and return values



University of Chicago - Chicago, IL, Jan 2018 - Mar 2018
Technologies: Java, Socket Programming
• Use socket programming in Java to implement TCP-based and UDP-based connections between client and server
• Implement a simplified web server that supports basic HTTP requests over TCP
• Implement a UDP-based ping client that communicated with the UDP-based ping server

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